
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

15 Months

My daughter is fifteen months old today. Sometimes it's still hard to believe that I'm a mom. I look at DD and it just blows me away that I've been a mom for over a year, and that - I - have a toddler. Amazing.

This is a great age. She's really building up her character and she's hilarious. Like most toddlers, she has her moments, but overall she's easygoing, curious, loving and smart as a whip!

She's not saying too much yet, but she gets her messages across loud and clear through expression. I think the only words she really says are "Mama, dada, ya, yay, all done, thank you" and I think she said "doggy" three times yesterday. She's kind of funny with speech. She babbles plenty, and even gets different tones in her voice as if she's having a conversation, and every now and then, something comes out. I was playing peek-a-boo with her, and I'm fairly certain she said "There she is." But she'll say something like that once and never again, so you can really never be sure. I can't wait for her to talk more, it's so awesome when one word does come out. So much fun!

We try to go to the park every day after daycare. We have the park routine down. Arrive, go to sandbox, play in sandbox, climb in and out of sandbox, run to the slide, slide a million times, swings, then back to the sandbox to step up and down on the rocks a million times. She loves going to the park, and I love it too because it makes it easy to get her to bed every night.

I could go on and on, but I'll sum up with saying that I'm really loving this first part of the toddler stage. While it was amazing to experience having a newborn/infant, I like that life has become less about diapers and feedings, and more about exploration and fun!

1 comment:

  1. A was the same way with talking and she says everything now! It is such an awesome age!
